Funding, Storage Capacity and Cost, the triptych of CCS in Europe

Carbon capture utilization and storage
CO2 Capture, CO2 transport, CO2 storage
Service provided
Tool development, White paper
Time period
Clean Air Task Force (CATF)
Paper 1: CCS Funding Gap
Paper 2: CCS Storage Gap
Paper 3: CCS vs Renewables Funding Gap
Funding, Storage Capacity and Cost, the triptych of CCS in Europe
Image credit: Screenshot of CATF website showcasing the tool

Project description

Carbon Limits conducted a review of the current status of CCS in Europe to raise awareness on key challenges for CCS and make it publicly available. The team published a set of 3 white papers and an interactive cost tool: 

  • CCS funding gap 

In light of all the carbon capture and storage projects announced throughout Europe, will there be enough public funding to match these ambitions?

  • CCS storage gap

In light of the increasing CO2 capture ambitions announced throughout Europe, will the region have enough CO2 storage capacity developed in time to meet demand?

  • CCS vs renewables funding gap 

How does funding allocated to carbon capture and storage projects compare to funding for renewable technologies?

  • CCS cost tool 

What are the carbon dioxide transport and storage costs in Europe? What are the indicative costs for the full value chain for each industrial emitter? How much carbon dioxide emissions can be abated according to different price levels?

The papers are available for download on the left panel. The tool can be accessed here.


The team

Gaëlle Cauchois
Gaëlle Cauchois
Associate Director
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Anastasia Isaenko
Anastasia Isaenko
Principal Consultant
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Manon Simon
Manon Simon
Principal Consultant
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Malavika Venugopal
Malavika Venugopal
Senior Consultant
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Valentin Gentile
Valentin Gentile
Senior Consultant
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Mazen Cheikh
Mazen Cheikh
Senior Consultant
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