IKI – Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C)

Climate policy and strategy, Carbon and climate finance
Article 6, Guidelines, Governence Frameworks, Crediting mechanisms, Climate policy, Climate Strategy, CDM, NDC, Paris Agreement
Service provided
Capacity Building, Workshop, Report / guidelines writing
Time period
International Climate Initiative – Federal Ministry for the Environment, BMWK
Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, Africa, South East Asia
Pakistan, Colombia, Zambia, Thailand
IKI – Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C)
Photo by Uriel Soberanes on Unsplash

Project description

The overall objective of the program is to use Article (A6) cooperative approaches to engage the private sector in NDC implementation, and to raise ambition. 

This is to enable cost-efficient, flexible and high-integrity carbon markets with positive sustainability impacts. The transformative design of A6 pilots for real ITMO transactions will be enabled by research-based capacity building in four partner countries, catalyzing a high-ambition community of practice, regionally and globally. The program consists of six work packages, of which two are centrally managed and four are country-driven. In the first two, best practice tools and approaches to implement cooperative mechanisms are developed, underpinned by an international forum that brings together countries and practitioners, who share the common objective of raising ambition through markets. In-country implementation focused on three areas of work in each of the four countries: 1) long-term planning, 2) institutional readiness to transact and 3) pilot design and transactions.

The guidance on the transition from CDM projects to Article 6.4 activities is now available here

This project is ongoing until 2027.


The team

Francois Sammut
Francois Sammut
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Randall Spalding-Fecher
Randall Spalding-Fecher
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Irina Isakova
Irina Isakova
Associate Director
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Hanna Korniyenko
Hanna Korniyenko
Principal Consultant
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Paula Macías Díaz
Paula Macías Díaz
Principal Consultant
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Vladyslav Zhezherin
Vladyslav Zhezherin
Principal Consultant
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Benjamin Heras Cruz
Benjamin Heras Cruz
Principal Consultant
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Malavika Venugopal
Malavika Venugopal
Senior Consultant
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Laura Camila Cruz
Laura Camila Cruz
Senior Consultant
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